Hans Wehr transliteration

The Hans Wehr transliteration system is a methodology for transliteration of the Arabic alphabet, used in the Hans Wehr dictionary, with some changes enacted to the system between two editions of the dictionary. The transliteration system uses no digraphs. It is always displayed in the italic style of Latin-alphabet font. It uses two types of diacritics. It uses a dot underneath or upside for some letters. It also uses a line underneath for other letters. For long vowels a macron is used (a line on top of the letter). No capital letters are used (they were in previous editions).

The transliteration of the Arabic alphabet:

Letter Name Transliteration 4th English Edition
ا Alif ā or ʾ
ب Bāʾ b
ت Tāʾ t
ث Ṯāʾ
ج Ǧīm ǧ j
ح Ḥāʾ
خ Ḫāʾ
د Dāl d
ذ Ḏāl
ر Rāʾ r
ز Zāy z
س Sīn s
ش Šīn š
ص Ṣād
ض Ḍād
ط Ṭāʾ
ظ Ẓāʾ
ع ʿAin ʿ
غ Ġain ġ
ف Fāʾ f
ق Qāf q
ك Kāf k
ل Lām l
م Mīm m
ن Nūn n
ه Hāʾ h
و Wāw w or ū
ي Yāʾ y or ī

See also